Overview of the German parts of speech

(Tabular representation of the parts of speech in German grammar)

Table of contents – parts of speech

On this page you will find the following:

  1. The German parts of speech
  2. Inflectable parts of speech
  3. Uninflectable parts of speech
  4. Further explanations and exercises

What are the German parts of speech?

German grammar offers ten different parts of speech which are divided into inflectable (the ones that change their form) and uninflectable (the ones that do not change) words. Those that do not inflect are particles. Those that inflect are further divided into conjugable and declinable categories.

Compare the subsequent juxtaposition:

Inflectable parts of speech

The inflectable or changeable parts of speech belong to two separate groups:

Declinable words Conjugable words
  • Adjectives
    • schön (beautiful), laut (loud), etc.
  • Pronouns
    • ich (I), du (you), jemand (somebody), etc.
  • Numerals
    • fünf (five), viele (many), tausend (thousand), etc.

Uninflectable parts of speech

The parts of speech that do not inflect or change their forms are called particles. This category comprises four different types of words:

Indeclinable/uninflectable words
  • Prepositions
    • in (in), über (across/over), davor (before), etc.
  • Conjunctions
    • und (and), oder (or), außerdem (besides), etc.
  • Interjections
    • nanu (well!, hey!), oh (oh), aua (ouch), ach (hmm), etc.

Further thematic explanations

The following explanations are relating to the topic ‘Parts of speech in German grammar’ and may be interesting too: