Conjugation & verb forms of the future perfect simple

(Formation of the future perfect simple tense in English)

Table of contents – formation future perfect simple

On this page you will find the following:

  1. Formation future perfect simple
  2. Verb forms future perfect simple
  3. Further explanations and exercises

Formation of the future perfect simple

The future perfect simple consists of the two auxiliary verbswill + have’ and the past participle of the respective verb. Compare the following examples and the full conjugation in the table below:

  • Some example sentences that demonstrate the formation of the simple future perfect in English:
    • “Sammy will have done his homework.”
    • “We will have bought a new car.”

Verb forms of the future perfect simple

Example verb: ‘to play

Positive/affirmative sentences

Person/​pronoun Positive Short form Interrogative form Short form of question
I He will have played. He’ll have played. Will he have played?
you (singular)

Negative sentences

Person/​pronoun Negative Short form Interrogative form Short form of question
I We will not have played. We won’t have played.
We’ll not have played.*
Will we not have played? Won’t we have played?
you (singular)

* This form is not as common as the other one.

Further explanations related to the ‘Future perfect simple’

The following explanations relate to the topic ‘Formation of the future perfect simple’ and may be helpful for you too: