Exercise 1: present participle (spelling)

(Practise your spelling skills of the present participle)

Present participle (spelling) – cloze test (difficulty: 2 of 5 – rather easy)

Fill the gaps with the correct form of the present participle, which is the ing or progressive form of the verb. Be careful with particularities in the spelling of some verbs. The infinitive is given.

  • Example: ‘stay’ → ‘staying

You can check your results with the button below after you have finished. If you still need help with the topic, have another look at the usage & formation of the present participle. You may also use the hint button for help, but keep in mind that you will lose points for that.

  1. go –
  2. think –
  3. swim –
  4. take –
  5. stop –
  6. try –
  7. have –
  8. move –
  9. run –
  10. speak –

Additional exercises and explanations related to the ‘Present participle’

The following exercises and explanations relate to the topic ‘present participle (progressive form)’ in English grammar: