Conjugation & verb forms of the future simple

(Formation of the simple future tense with ‘will’ in English)

Table of contents – formation future simple

On this page you will find the following:

  1. Formation of the future simple
  2. Particularities of the future simple
  3. Verb forms of the future simple
  4. Further explanations and exercises

Formation of the future simple (will-future)

The future simple (also called will-future) is formed by using the auxiliary verb ‘will’ together with the infinitive (base form) of the corresponding verb without ‘to’.

  • Examples of forming the will-future in sentences:
    • “Peter and Tom will both buy a new car.”
    • “I think it won’t rain today.”
  • Note: The auxiliary verb ‘will’ remains unchanged for all grammatical persons, which means nos’ is appended in the third person either.

Particularities of the will-future – substitute forms

When using the will-future in combination with modal auxiliary verbs (see modal verbs for details), a particular aspect needs to be considered: These verbs cannot be combined with ‘will’ because they do not have a proper verb form for the future. Therefore, the following alternatives or substitute forms are employed instead:

  • be able to’ substitutes ‘can’:
    • “Soon, he will be able to do it on his own.”
    • “I won’t be able to make it in time.”
  • have to’ substitutes ‘must’:
    • “I will have to do what my boss says.”
    • “I’m sure we won’t have to stay until 9 o’clock.”
  • be allowed to’ substitutes ‘may’:
    • Will I be allowed to leave a bit earlier?”
    • “The kids won’t be allowed to play in the garden.”

Verb forms of the future simple (will)

Example verb: ‘to say

Positive/affirmative sentences

Person/​pronoun Positive Short form Interrogative form Short form of question
I He will say. He’ll say. Will he say?

Negative sentences

Person/​pronoun Negative Short form Interrogative form Short form of question
I She will not say. She won’t say.
She’ll not say.
Will she not say? Won’t she say?

Further explanations relating to the ‘Formation of the simple future tense with ‘will’

The following explanations are related to the topic ‘Conjugation and verb forms of the future simple (will-future)’ and could help you as well: